Where Foreign Mission Meets Home Mission
Founded in 1886, St. Leo Church was founded by German Catholic immigrants. Now it is home to Burundian, Congolese and Guatemalan immigrants.
120 years ago the current church was built at the corner of 2573 St. Leo Place and Baltimore Avenue.
Worship Schedule
Times for Masses, Vigils, Holy Days, Adoration and other worship activities.
Pastoral Care
Answers to often asked questions about annulment, counseling, funerals, anointing of the sick, RCIA, and weddings.
The Sacraments are the cornerstone of our Catholic faith. Learn about each sacrament and who to contact for more information.
Meet the staff, learn about areas of responsibility and get contact information for our Pastor, the Reverend Rodolfo Coaquira, MCCJ and our staff.
Explore opportunities for stewardship giving including gifts of cash, credit card withdrawals, gifts of stock, wills, planned gifts, annuities and more.
Prayer Requests
St. Leo the Great wants to pray for you. Click here to submit your Prayer Intentions.
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