Prayer for St. Leo the Great Parish
125th Anniversary
We Give You Thanks, O Lord!
Nine lepers were healed by your son, O Good and loving God, to show that your salvation had come to them and to invite them to live in faith as members of your kingdom. With the one leper who returned to give you thanks, we too want to give you thanks for the many opportunities that we have been given, in our long history, to grow and live our faith.
We thank you for the immigrant faith upon which we were founded, the faith that has formed and shaped us for so long through catholic education and the celebration of the sacraments and for an immigrant faith that renews us today.
We thank you for the leadership, ministries, services, evangelization and outreach to your people who are most in need and for the generosity and compassion that witness to your presence in our urban neighborhoods.
We thank you for your protection, guidance, healing and love. We thank you for all the ways that you continue to announce your coming to us, all the ways you will bless us with your loving presence, and all the ways that you call us to be your church.
As you continue to break into our lives with your saving grace, may we never cease to give you thanks and to sing your praises with our worship and with our love for you in the love of our neighbor.
We ask this always in the name of your son, our Lord Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, now and forever. Amen.