Our needs exceed our own resources and we invite you to share your time, talents and treasures to be about the Lord's work with us.
Cash to Cover Operating Expenses is Essential: in order to continue to provide the many spiritual and corporal works of mercy that St. Leo’s provides for the residents of the struggling neighborhood of North Fairmount, we must be able to turn on the lights and electronic equipment, plug in the freezers and refrigerators in the food pantry, heat the buildings, answer the phones, access running water, repair and maintain our physical plant and compensate our small, dedicated and determined staff. Without these we simply cannot answer Jesus’ call to love our neighbors as ourselves.
We rely on you without taking you away from your own parish and our hope is that we give to you additional experiences to live the gospel in accord with your own parish mission statement but in ways different from what your parish may be able to offer you.
Your donation is humbly and gratefully accepted. Every single gift means everything to us!
Printable Gift Form
¡Gracias! Murakoze! Thank You!
We are deeply grateful for your continued and generous support. Our St. Leo the Great parish community promises to remember you and your loved ones in our private prayer, as well as in our communal prayer, which is to say that we are praying for you all the time. May our gracious God fill you with every blessing!