

¡Gracias!     Murakoze!    Thank You!

We are so very grateful for the generosity of all of you, 
whether through prayer, presence or presents! 

Visit our Amazon Gift Registry page showing our PARISH WISH LIST ITEMS

Gift Cards for continuing work & maintenance of the parish: Home Depot, Lowes, & Amazon. Gift Cards for our Youth Group functions: Kroger, Amazon, & Wal-Mart.

Tools needed to make repairs for the church. Specifically at this time, we need a pressure washer.

Paint & Supplies for the interior and exterior of the church: 5 gallon paint, rollers, & brushes.

Rolling Luggage to be used for our clients at the Food Pantry.

Volunteers for the Food Pantry Monday, Wednesday, & Friday, 12pm to 4pm

Cash to Cover Operating Expenses is Essential:  in order to continue to provide the many spiritual and corporal works of mercy that St. Leo’s provides for the residents of the struggling neighborhood of North Fairmount, we must be able to turn on the lights and electronic equipment, plug in the freezers and refrigerators in the food pantry, heat the buildings, answer the phone, access running water, repair and maintain our physical plant and compensate our small, dedicated and determined staff.  Without these we simply cannot answer Jesus’ call to love our neighbors as ourselves.

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Many, many thanks to you our many dedicated benefactors, boosters, advocates, volunteers, and parish and school partners. It is your most generous financial support, bountiful responses to our wish list, abundant gift-in-kind donations of materials and services, and countless dedicated volunteer hours that allows St. Leo the Great Parish to exist.






It is you who allow us to build the Kingdom of God by making it possible to turn on the lights and electronic equipment, plug in the freezers and refrigerators in the food pantry, heat the buildings, answer the phones, access running water, repair and maintain our physical plant and compensate our small, dedicated and determined staff.  Without these we simply cannot answer Jesus’ call to love our neighbors as ourselves.







Click here to make a one time donation, or set up a weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, quarterly, semi-annual or annual gift to be deducted from your banking account, or to charge your gift to your credit card.
You can choose to give your weekly offering, to support St. Leo's greatest need, or a specific ministry. 
If you wish to honor a special occasion, (birthday, anniversary, Mother's Day, Father's Day, etc.), or if you wish to remember a loved one, please note that under "special instructions".  If you would like St. Leo's to send a notice of your gift, be sure to include the name and address of the person to be notified. 

We are so hopeful for the ministries going on at St. Leo! The demands and needs of our parishioners and community are so great for the growth and sharing of the greater good of all. The thousands of lives we touch in just a month’s time is overwhelming.

We could never do it on our own and hope all of you out there who volunteer, encourage, support, pray, and/ or help sustain St. Leo know it is so very treasured and cherished. With hope and your help, it makes it all happen! It takes a village, as they say!

With gratefulness and gratitude, thank you for being our hope and part of our St. Leo Village!

¡Gracias!    Murakoze!    Thank You!  

We are deeply grateful for your continued and generous support. Our St. Leo the Great parish community promises to remember you and your loved ones in our private prayer, as well as in our communal prayer, which is to say that we are praying for you all the time. May our gracious God fill you with every blessing!