

Mission Statement:
St. Leo Food Pantry serves as a beacon of hope for individuals and families facing food insecurity, providing access to nutritious food with compassion, integrity, and a commitment to meeting the diverse needs of our community.


Monthly Overhead Sponsor

St. Leo's is seek­ing individuals and organizations that would be willing to sponsor one month of our operating costs totalling $2,300.00. Sponsor’s name will be recognized in the food pantry foyer, on St. Leo’s website, on social media, in our monthly Pantry Press, in St. Leo’s quarterly newsletter, and in St. Leo’s weekly Sunday bulletin during their month; and if interested, the organiza­tion’s members would be welcome to volunteer by working in the pantry serving our clients.

If interested, please contact Nicole Cummings at 513-921-1044, or mail to:  Nicole Cummings, St. Leo the Great Church, 2573 Saint Leo Place, Cincinnati, OH  45225.  


Serving Hours

 Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays

 Streets Served
by St. Leo Food Pantry  


Requirements for Services 

at St. Leo Food Pantry

Food Pantry Volunteer Job Descriptions

Feeding the Hungry


Come, All Ye Who Hunger

Grow A Row

Kroger Community Rewards

Do you need to take a Minimum Required Distribution from your IRA?  
Please consider a tax-deductible gift to the St. Leo Food Pantry. Direct your donation to:

St. Leo Food Pantry
2573 Saint Leo Place
Cincinnati, OH  45225

Did you know in order to partake in the Food Assistance Program (SNAP), participants must either be employed or provide community service hours?There are some exemptions but many think folks get something for nothing when, in fact, they must volunteer the number of hours they would receive in food assistance divided by minimum wage. For example, to receive $157, a person must volunteer 20 hours a month to get food for themselves and their family (20 hours x $7.85).

St. Leo provides an outlet for the recipients to perform their service hours. Of course, it depends what services they’re able to provide and what tasks we have. Some have helped with our Newsletter mailings, washed down kitchen cabinets and pantry stairs, swept and mopped Centennial Hall, and moved items back and forth. We are grateful for these small opportunities provided for us all to help each other!

Feed the Hungry throughout the U.S. and the World

Bread for the World is a national organization that promotes government programs that feed the hungry at home and around the world.  Sign a petition to the President, write a letter to your representative and senators in Congress.

Click on the Bread for the World icon to see what you can do.






Many thanks to our 2025 Monthly Overhead Sponsors
January - Anonymous

February - Anonymous

March - Anonymous

April - Anonymous

May - Anonymous

June - Anonymous

July- Cheviot Fraternal Order of Eagles

August- Anonymous

September- Open for Sponsorship

October- Anonymous

November- In Memory of Jim Ellis

December- Open for Sponsorship

Currently serving more than 1,500+ individuals representing over 370 families including 540+ children and 140+ seniors each month.

Serving residents in North Fairmount area including English Woods, Roll Hill Apts, and Millvale area once every 30 days. See website or call Parish Office to see if your street is covered.

As volunteers, we serve our clients a large portion of love and respect, along with a huge selection of the healthiest foods available from the Freestore Foodbank, as well as Cincinnati Whole Foods Market.   

What makes our food pantry so great, is that we care so much for the folks we serve and model to them Christ’s commandment to care for each other. It is commonplace to see our clients help one another, without being asked, demonstrating a real sense of community, an indication that they not only feel Christ’s love, but are also willing to share. Caring becomes contagious! 

We depend on volunteers to help with the many aspects of running the St. Leo Food Pantry. If you are interested in helping out a few hours a day, a week, or a month, please contact Nicole Cummings at 513-921-1044 or email for more information, or to sign up!   

Snow closings will be announced on Channels 9 & 19 as well as Facebook. And, if Cincinnati Public Schools announces closing due to hazardous road conditions, the pantry will also be closed. (Pantry will not close when CPS closes due to extreme cold or COVID surges.)

V0lunteers Needed: on Mondays and Fridays, 1- 3:30 pm. 

Click here for:  Food Pantry Job Descriptions
Food Pantry Volunteer Handbook




Every dollar you give to support the St. Leo Food Pantry is multiplied many times over when used to purchase the wide variety of reduced-priced items offered by the FreeStore/FoodBank.


Click here for a printable gift form:  St. Leo Food Pantry Gift Form.pdf





Help support St. Leo's many spiritual and corporal acts of mercy by shopping at Kroger's. All you have to do is shop at Kroger and swipe your Plus Card. You will still receive your mileage points and other customer rewards, while you support St. Leo's!

Be sure to have your Kroger Plus card handy and register your card with your organization after you sign up.
Enter St. Leo's NPO #KC265 or search for St. Leo the Great Church.

Members must swipe their registered Kroger Plus card or use the phone number that is related to their registered Kroger Plus card when shopping for each purchase to count.

Greatest Needs:

Juices (apple, grape, orange, cranberry, fruit punch, etc...)
Diapers Size 2 and 3
Baby Wipes
Pull ups size 4 and 5

body lotion 
shave cream
body wash

hand pump soap 
liquid dish soap
smaller size laundry detergent

salad dressing especially Ranch
salt and pepper shaker combos
white flour
sugar ( 1-2 lb. bags)
hot sauce
BBQ sauce
pancake syrup
saltine and other crackers 
graham crackers
individual packaged snacks

Toilet Paper
Paper Towels
Boxes of Cereal 
Cans of Manwich 


Check out our latest items needed on our Amazon wishlist:

Make An Online Donation

Did you know that Food Stamps will not purchase personal hygiene products?

Many, many thanks to the multitude of loyal volunteers who make the Food Pantry happen every Monday, Wednesday and Friday all year around: drivers who pick up food and hygiene items and haul them into the pantry building; stockers who stock shelves, freezers and refrigerators; escorts who assist our clients choose their items; greeters who assist clients when they come in the door; and check-in and in-take assistants who keep order and count; and coordinators who keep things running smoothly. We simply couldn’t do it without you!

Lord Jesus who multiplied the loaves and fishes and called us to feed the hungry, be with us today as we serve those you send to us. Open our hearts to see the gift of you in each person who comes to the pantry. Open our ears to hear their joys and struggles. Open our mouths to speak words of caring and respect. Give strength to our arms when we are tired, patience to our spirits when lines are long and things are confusing, and joy in our hearts for the privilege of serving you. Today and every day may we glorify you with our lives. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen