Many thanks to our 2025 Monthly Overhead Sponsors
January - Anonymous
February - Anonymous
March - Anonymous
April - Anonymous
May - Anonymous
June - Anonymous
July- Cheviot Fraternal Order of Eagles
August- Anonymous
September- Open for Sponsorship
October- Anonymous
November- In Memory of Jim Ellis
December- Open for Sponsorship

Currently serving more than 1,500+ individuals representing over 370 families including 540+ children and 140+ seniors each month.
Serving residents in North Fairmount area including English Woods, Roll Hill Apts, and Millvale area once every 30 days. See website or call Parish Office to see if your street is covered.
As volunteers, we serve our clients a large portion of love and respect, along with a huge selection of the healthiest foods available from the Freestore Foodbank, as well as Cincinnati Whole Foods Market.
What makes our food pantry so great, is that we care so much for the folks we serve and model to them Christ’s commandment to care for each other. It is commonplace to see our clients help one another, without being asked, demonstrating a real sense of community, an indication that they not only feel Christ’s love, but are also willing to share. Caring becomes contagious!
We depend on volunteers to help with the many aspects of running the St. Leo Food Pantry. If you are interested in helping out a few hours a day, a week, or a month, please contact Nicole Cummings at 513-921-1044 or email for more information, or to sign up!
Snow closings will be announced on Channels 9 & 19 as well as Facebook. And, if Cincinnati Public Schools announces closing due to hazardous road conditions, the pantry will also be closed. (Pantry will not close when CPS closes due to extreme cold or COVID surges.)
V0lunteers Needed: on Mondays and Fridays, 1- 3:30 pm.
Click here for: Food Pantry Job Descriptions
Food Pantry Volunteer Handbook
Every dollar you give to support the St. Leo Food Pantry is multiplied many times over when used to purchase the wide variety of reduced-priced items offered by the FreeStore/FoodBank.
Click here for a printable gift form: St. Leo Food Pantry Gift Form.pdf