

St. Leo's Prayer Wall is a place where all, regardless of age, race or creed, are invited to sing God’s praises, give Him thanks, and/or call upon His presence for help in times of need. The wall, a place of prayer for all peoples (much like the Wailing Wall in Jerusalem), captures the faces of the community, as well as peacemakers and saints who have inspired us through the ages.

The murals were designed by artist Barry Davis, who brings a humanness to the saints and peacemakers, students from Miami University (Oxford), Visionaries & Voices, and the hands of St. Leo family and friends. The Wall is a place for our staff and volunteers, youth groups, community meetings, and for individuals who just pass through our parking lot on the way to work, school, etc., to pray, reflect and pause.  We hope that you will share in this special way of prayer, joy, and thanksgiving. Praise God!

God cares about every need in your life and knows what you need even before you ask Him for help. 

Our St. Leo the Great parish community promises to remember you in our private prayer, as well as in our communal prayer, which is to say that we are praying for you all the time.